Tuesday, 11 April 2023

April 12 Colca Canyon, Peruvian Andes

This morning we got up very early to visit the Colca Canyon. It is over 4000m deep and currently they say is the 3rd deepest canyon in the world after Nepal and China. Quite overwhelming. We were there to see the Andean Condors! These most beautiful creatures with a wingspan of 3 or more metres are the world’s largest flying birds. They are so heavy that in order to take off they wait for the warm thermals that rise as the sun starts to warm the cliffs and as the thermals rise they rise up with them. We stood open mouthed for well over an hour watching them - adults and juveniles - soaring and swooping, gliding less than a metre above our heads. They are simply magnificent and held us transfixed! Unsurprisingly plenty of videos were taken. We videoed a number of birds soaring in front, below and above us. It was mesmerising to watch such utter freedom (watch here https://youtube.com/shorts/S-iY9a4_lbM)/ We also spotted a pair of juveniles perched on a cliff ledge not far from where we were standing (see here https://youtube.com/shorts/VbfiweXkvoM ).

It's an impressive canyon
There were plentiful wild flowers but my eyes were mostly on the birds

Young condors perched on a small ledge

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