Sunday 5 February 2023

February 5 Cape Hallet, Ross Sea


This morning we were heading north to Cape Hallett which nestles seaward of the towering Admiralty Range on the western edge of the Ross Sea (Cape Adare at the entrance to the sea lies 100km to the north). The Captain is try for a landing on the sea ice but much of the ice in the area is too fragile so they went in search of another safer spot.  Incidentally it’s -4.5C and feels like -18C. Eventually they found a stretch of ice which is super slippery but unlikely to crack under our feet. A bit scary for me going out on slippery ice but they’re fitting our boots with crampons - whoa! In the meantime, we prepared ourselves for the adventure, boosted our spirits, with a delicious Sunday brunch overlooking the ice - mimosa, crab etc caviar, crab tacos - and a slow cooked piglet. Boy do we feel spoilt.

None of the crew had been here before so everyone was excited. We actually wore snowshoes and I have to say I felt safer in those than just walking in gum boots. Only a little snow here and there so icy, icy ice all around with cracks running here and there everywhere. We had to stay clustered together in groups with our guide between the cracks. Seeing so many cracks was a bit disconcerting especially as you could feel the movement between the sheets - but it was thrilling at the same time. We all came back!
Of course everyone wanted to stand on either side of a crack!
People set off in small groups to explore this piece of fragile ice. A number of people fell in their snowshoes but there were no injuries. All too soon it was time to get back on board.
Before leaving the area we cruised around a large Adelie colony – quite glorious winding through icebergs of phantasmagorical shapes and colours.  Lots of penguin pix to follow!
The penguins spilled up the hill
Some people landed to wander through the colony; we stayed in the zodiac to cruise.
The mud room

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