Sunday, 28 May 2023

May 27-28 at the beginning!

Sardinia, the second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea
The journey from home to Sardinia was long and tedious with too many hours hanging around in airport lounges but we finally arrived safe and sound and thankfully with all our luggage. Sardinia, or more precisely Cagliari where we now are, is more-ish. I mean it is fascinating, so different to quiet sedate Melbourne, and makes me want to know and see more. Our first day in Sardinia we were on our own and strolled down to the busy port. 
Amerigo Vespucci is an Italian Naval training ship 
Setting the right mood for our tour!
That night we met our tour director and the other people who would be on the tour with us – 28 in total. We then headed out for dinner together - “to a local restaurant”. It was to be a short walk to a local restaurant and yes it was local and not a particularly long walk but it was up hill and down sometimes quite steep in places. The slope set the pace!

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