Tuesday 18 July 2023

July 19 Back in Athens

Strolling through markets waiting to check-in to our hotel
We’re back in Athens for a week or more and hoping to catch up with pix etc from the last wonderful week of Aegean islands visits. It’s blisteringly hot everywhere here and Athens is ringed by bush fires, no danger here but terrible nevertheless.  
The Metropolitan Cathedral of the Annunciation shimmers in the sunlight
This little tableau made me smile. A priest and his family on the iPhones
Tonight, after a week of less than flavourful French-style Euro food, we opted for Chinese. Absolutely delicious hot and spicy soup! Yummo. My fortune cookie tells me that “many adventures are coming”.  Excellent! we’re going to visit Corinth, Delphi and more islands over the next 8-9 days so stay tuned. In the meantime a little rest is on the agenda starting in the morning.

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