Tuesday, 19 September 2023

September 20 Coming into land in Alaska


Our ships route around the Little Diomede yesterday
Good morning peeps! Yesterday we were a mere 180m from Russia’s border with the US, this morning we’re pulling into Nome. What a sight! Last night, or rather in the wee hours of this morning, the clouds vanished and Aurora Borealis, ‘the northern lights’, turned on a gentle wavering panorama of soft swirling green. It was freezing out on deck (not properly dressed!) but worth it to see those magical patterns. The camera had trouble focusing (didn't help that a mandatory ship light was on over the next balcony) but .... we saw the lights!

Once in port and after lunch, some people went wandering into Nome. Us? we strolled for a bit on the wharf/breakwater and Lindsay then wandered off to find birds – not very successfully it turned out. 
Days are shortening so we arrived in an orange glow
Tonight is our last night on board - sad, but what an awesome journey it has been. Last nights are always rotten. The crew are already preparing for the back-to-back trip, many passengers are feeling bereft, there's bar accounts to settle, last minute disembarkation instructions, packing for early morning collection. Just sad. But good old Aurora had a lovely last day 'excursion' planned for us with the locals for tomorrow. 
Before we disembark finally in the morning, I want to say (in Inuktitut) ᐃᓛᓂᓗ ilaanilu and ᖁᔭᓇᐃᓐᓂ quyanainni to the beautiful people of the Canadian High Arctic. It has been an amazing voyage of a mighty 4659 nautical miles (8629 km) from Kangerlussuaq to Nome, an expedition extraordinaire 
The Complete Northwest Passage - our voyage map

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