Sunday 18 December 2022

December 19 Ushuaia and Day 1 of our expedition to Antarctica


Today I had a quiet day – I was suffering from a big dose of jetlag, and, if that wasn’t enough, I was also choked up with a ‘cold’. Not sure how that happened but on our journey from home to Argentina we had been surrounded by people coughing so it’s not unsurprising that I caught something however life goes on 

View from our window over the Fuegian forest
Las Hayas Hotel
Top R Acaenia Magellanica. Bottom L a fungal growth that attacks the beech trees.
The two pretty flowers I can only relate to what I saw in Arctic polar regions. 
Lindsay went out for a wander in the morning and we both went out in the afternoon after we had checked in at the expedition desk. We also booked to have RATs the following morning. Before these trips there is always a level of anxiety about whether we would be clear to board. As it turned out there was one couple who returned positive results and therefore couldn’t board, poor things.

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