Thursday, 15 December 2022

December 16 Departure day

 Departure day is always a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Excitement for the adventures that lie ahead, new destinations etc but dread at the thought of the rigmarole of getting ‘there’. We had a 5am start but were fortunate to be picked up at the door.  We felt a little anxious about whether our luggage would arrive with us through 4 flights and also there was the concern about getting our Chile visa applications finalised. The applications themselves were done but we still had to get a National Police check. Yesterday I got the applications to a point but couldn’t proceed without speaking to the AFP office and unfortunately by that time the office was closed.  Not knowing what internet connections we would have along the way or whether I could phone once we left Australia, I rang them from the airport as soon as the office opened (with only half hour before we were due to board the plane – talk about cutting it fine!). The glitch was easily resolved and I finalised my applications and completed Lindsay’s on the plane – way too close for comfort.  All went fine for flights and connections with one small exception. There was something wrong with the plane in Santiago so we sat on the plane at the departure gate for 1.5 hours. Not confidence building but we arrived safe and sound AND with our luggage in Buenos Aires.  Our transfer service was waiting for us at the arrival lounge and we were whisked away to Hollywood! I kid you not but not THAT Hollywood. Eventually we were deposited in Hollywood, Palermo, a neighbourhood of Buenos Aires. We both breathed a big sigh of relief! After a much need shower we fell into bed 30-odd hours after we got out of bed that morning – we gained a day.

The things you do on long flights!

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