Thursday, 3 August 2023

August 4 Departing Istanbul bound for Venice

We’re packed and waiting to go! From Sublime Istanbul to Venice the Serenissima - sounds exotic and I know it will be - through the Dardanelles and Corinth Canal and up the Dalmatian and Croatian coast to Venice - the Serenissima - where we will stay for a few days in the Dorsoduro area.

Our ship at the new international docking pier (blue arrow)
I heard our ship arrive about 6am this morning. We could see her from the rooftop of our hotel hiding behind the trees
Our route
Le Lyrial a neat little ship (compared to most). Built in Italy about 7 years ago.
The newmassiveunderground terminal. It needs to be given the cruise ship traffic in and out of Athens
Boarding our ship
Inspiring Istanbul receding into the background.

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