Wednesday, 23 August 2023

August 23-24 7000 km to Toronto


Second leg of the journey Frankfurt to Toronto

We flew out of Warsaw at the crack of dawn heading for Toronto, via Frankfurt, arriving a little befuddled late afternoon – after almost 7000km. We gained a bit of time but given we had been up since 3:30am, my body didn’t register that small benefit!  There was time for an early dinner and then to fall into bed and lights out.

Next day I headed off for a haircut and then a slow nature walk (beside the freeway with planes flying overhead!) back to our hotel via lunch at a terrific steak house: Montana’s. I had a humongous Caesar salad and a sizzling Bloody Mary. 

Along the route we found an array of pretties which was quite delightful after the crush of cities and people and a bit of an appetiser for what was to come. Enjoy my little petal sampler.

Buckeye - Ohio?
The prickly nut intrigued me and no-one at the hotel seemed to know what it was - ‘fruit’ or nut? The ‘fruit’ was hard, maybe not ripe? and its skin was little like quince but with small spikes across its surface. Eventually a FB friend from back in Melbourne identified it as an Ohio Buckeye. 
We fell into bed early desperate for a good night’s sleep ready for yet another early start.
Destination tomorrow Kangerlussuaq, Greenland

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