Tuesday 7 March 2023

March 7 Next stop – El fin del mundo

Early the next morning we were up before the sun gulping down a quick breakfast before climbing into a bus bound for the airport along with other Ponant passengers to fly south to Ushuaia and the beginning of an expedition journeying through some of Chile’s fjords. 

At last we landed at Ushuaia and again piled into buses some to visit the national park while others had a leisurely Argentinian lunch in the Andes – that was us. 
Ushuaia striking against a snowy backdrop
The ship we’re on is Le Boreal. It’s about the same size as Le Commandant Charcot but older and not quite as luxurious (like we care!).
The library

We did an exploratory tour. Sadly there isn’t a promenade deck so we’re taking to the stairs when we can in an attempt to stay fit/not increase the waistline toooo much. The food? Cosmopolitan-fusion - we even had curry bread tonight. We’re already eating too much but what can you do? You can’t be rude haha. That’s food out of the way, so I’ll tell you want we’ve been doing …. soon

At breakfast, actually at all meals, we eat too much!
And then it was anchors away and we set sail out through the Beagle Channel bound for Peurto Williams then south to Cape Horn. 
Our voyage mud-map
From Ushuaia to Talcahuano in 14 days.

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