Tuesday 13 June 2023

June 13 Palermo, Sicily

 We flew in last night rather later than expected, checked in and went in search of food. We found enough albeit not a stiff drink which we both needed. Palermo! 

Magnificent opera house last night
Since a short visit to Sicily in the 1980s I have wanted to visit. What a rich history! The Phoenicians, Cathagians, the Greeks, the Romans and Arabs, the Normans. As we travel we learn so much about human conquest and domination - dare I say insatiable greed for power. Not always, probably never, pretty but we are here in a very pedestrian time. Delightful. 
Breakfast view - the back of what we were looking at last night and the mountains beyond 
Central Palermo is all pedestrian streets
Huge ferries steam in and out dwarfed by those gargantuan cattle carriers AKA cruise ship
My dinner - sardines, anchovies and fennel
Everyone was out strolling with friends and children. So urbane, very Italian.
Today a quiet day topped off with a stroll through the ‘mall’ that is central Palermo today stopping for wine and sweet collapse-in-your-hands sticky cannoli. For dinner a Sicilian dish - Bucatini (reminding me of what we had when I was a child) with sardines, anchovies, pine nuts and wild fennel. Served with turmeric bread and oil. Delicious. Tomorrow we explore more - but still taking it easy.

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