Saturday, 3 June 2023

June 2-3 Across the mountains to the west coast and Alghero

It was hard leaving Su Gologone, such a peaceful beautiful place but leave we did to travel across the mountains and farmland, past the ruins of ancient Nuraghe and towers to reach Alghero on the west coast. It was a lovely drive. 

On the way we stopped at the medieval town of Bosa on the River Temo for lunch and to enjoy a short wander before taking the scenic road along the coast to Alghero. 
Bosa on the River Temo
This was fascinating - a pair of grape vines climbing up the building
Simple lunch - sandwich, beer and fries.
Our bus was parked across the river but what a quaint riverfront
Top L I am told an Iranian Knapweed. The rest lacy wild Angelica of some variety
People braved the busy coastal road to get a look at the coast
Alghero was once part of the Catalan Empire and they still hold to their Catalonian traditions and many to their language. As we have travelled through Sardinia there has been an interesting mix of cultures - Sardinian, Italian and now here in Alghero, Catalonian. 
Moody panorama across the port of Alghero from the Sky Bar
Some of the gates into the Old City
Fortified Old City
The Sky Bar at our hotel gave us a wonderful panorama of this ancient city and its port. That night we got lost in the walls of Old Town trying to find a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant where we were treated to a traditional Alghero-style Sardinian seafood dinner.  
A delightful arrany of small boats - mostly tourist boats
Early next morning saw us on our way to the wharf to board a boat which would take us to Neptune’s Caves under the towering Capo Caccia cliffs. The cliffs were stunning. 

Once disembarked we joined a mass of people who were all crowding into the dark walls of Neptune's 'cavern'. I’m not fearful of darkness and caves but crowds on slippery steps, cheek by jowl is not my idea of enjoying the beauty of nature – I stayed in the entrance cave along with a few others.  
Every picture is worth a thousand words! 
Then we walked the plank back onto the boat

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