Thursday, 29 June 2023

June 29 Downtime in Valletta

This morning we said goodbye to our lovely tour Manager, Gilberto, who had been a wonderful and attentive host, and we also farewelled a number our fellow travelers. Some like us, were staying on in Valletta. We were looking forward to some time alone and a little 'downtime' before our next 'adventure'.  With no set times or plans for today, we had a late breakfast and then explored our hotel which we hadn’t really done before - quite a lavish hotel by our usual standards. The hotel is packed with Brits and quite a few family groups. For the POMs Malta was always a place to go which required no visa. Of course it has been independent from Britain for almost 60 years but old habits die hard and it remains a summer destination for many from the UK. It was a day of pleasing ourselves after a couple of weeks, actually a month, of being on the go every day. Utter bliss! We decided to stay 'in' today! We even indulged in room service for dinner - a first for us. 

The hotel is built into the city and water-edge fortification walls
Another world - the hotel has its own marina (it is a 5-Star hotel)
Our room is at the end of this pathway and garden
Hotel guests sunbaked and swam from the rocks on the edge of the hotel 'grounds' 
.... and the pool! They took up their spots right after breakfast and stayed all day!
A mammoth hotel and quite luxurious

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