Monday 19 June 2023

June 20 Back to mainland Sicily


Sadly this morning we had to leave this wee paradise behind to return to mainland Sicily - we were south down Sicily’s eastern coastline.  On our way we stopped for lunch in a tiny village, Forza d’Agro, perched on a very high steep hill near Messina. Nearby on Capo Sant Alessio stand the ruins of a Norman Castle. 

L: Capo Sant Alessio and the ruins of a Norman Castle. R: the switch back road up to Forza d’Agro
Forza d’Agro
After a walk around the village (and into a couple more churches!) we were treated to a huge seafood banquet washed down with good Sicilian wine and local liqueurs. We ‘rolled’ on south passed a distant smoking Mt Etna to arrive in Syracuse where we crossed over a wee bridge to a delightful little island, Ortigia Island, where we stayed a couple of nights. 
Ortigia Island

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