Saturday, 24 June 2023

June 22 to 24 Syracuse to Modica

Syracuse, or rather our hotel, was a delight

Our journey south went via the rebuilt city of Noto. The city was completely devastated by an earthquake in 1693. The whole city was rebuilt with yellow limestone so the city seems to glow. It was rather grand and lovely but we didn’t wander far as by this time Lindsay was feeling poorly with some kind of bronchial virus exacerbated by our exhausting walking tours in very hot conditions, and the day was very hot. Nevertheless it was a lovely place to visit.

Our lunch was to be rather special, at a gourmet farmhouse restaurant specialising in typical Sicilian cuisine - Torre Marabino Ristorante.  The food was absolutely delicious and beautifully presented but poor Lindsay missed it all. By this time he was feverish and all he could manage was to lie on a couch with ice-bags tucked around him. Our tour manager called in the medics and they declared him not needing hospitalisation (thankfully but of course!) and fit to travel but Gilberto arranged for a doctor to see him once we arrived in Modica.
Zucchini flan on bread sauce followed by fresh pasta with octopus ragout then cannolo with ricotto!
Modica is quite stunning spread over two sides of a valley. Fortunately we were staying there three nights so we took that time for Lindsay to rest and medicate rather than go out sightseeing. I went out for supplies and we both holed up in our hotel room for two days venturing out for just a couple of meals in restaurants close by. One of our favourite meals was the Scaccia a delicious stuffed Sicilian flatbread. The doctor made a second visit and declared Lindsay OK. (I of course, and a few others on the bus, had contracted the same ‘bug’ but were keeping it under wraps.)
View from our hotel window
Cinderella in her glass carriage 
The street scenes were rather stunning particularly when the sun lit the buildings

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